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“Central Asian Law: Legal Cultures and Business Environments in Central Asia” is a 4-year research and training project funded by the European Commission’s H2020 MSCA-RISE programme (project number 870647), which runs from 01/03/2020 through 28/02/2024. The project aims to produce new knowledge and policy insights on the interlinkages between legal cultures, governance and business environment in Central Asia. The project is implemented by 14 institutions in 11 countries in Europe and Central Asia: Lund University (project coordinator), University of Zurich, University of Manchester, Charles University, Marmara University, Istanbul Medipol University, Riga Graduate School of Law, University of Latvia, Zhetysu University, Westminster International University in Tashkent, Academy of General Prosecutors Office of Uzbekistan, SIAR Research and Consulting, Tebigy Kuwwat and Khujand Polytechnic Institute of the Tajik Technical University.