Introducing myself
Welcome to my blog post about the secondment experience at Lund University in Sweden! My name is Muhammadbobur Abdullaev and I was a guest researcher at Lund University from the Academy of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan in May – June 2021. In this blog post I would like to, first, share my ideas and opinion on the academic experience at Lund University, next, present my research project as well as provide information about Sweden’s response to global pandemic situation.
Sweden is home to some of the world’s best universities. Several Swedish universities are ranked among world’s top universities by the Times Higher Education and the Academic Ranking of World Universities. So it was a great honor for me to be at Lund University, in the charming cobble-stoned city of Lund. I believe that Lund University offers so many opportunities, that any researcher will be enthusiastic about doing their best at researching and coming up with creative ideas. A salient example is that the artificial kidney, ultrasound technology and Bluetooth are all examples of inventions that originated from Lund University and went on to open new opportunities for millions of people all over the world. It is worthwhile to mention that Sweden is a wonderful place to live with its kind people, excellent public services and corporate culture that encourages students to have a good work-life balance.
About My Research Work
Turning to my research project, it is about Uzbekistan and the Corruption indicators by the World Bank. In my research, I am planning to conduct descriptive analysis of improving the country’s position in this indicator.
As is widely argued by scholars in the area of anti-corruption, corruption is a factor influencing the development of the country’s economy, efficiency, and legitimacy of government agencies. Any form of corruption not only creates conditions for the violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens, but also undermines the legitimacy of the state and its bodies and negatively affects private entities and foreign investors.
One of the main factors which impedes foreign investment is corruption. This in turn affects growth of the economy and jobs. Countries that are efficient in fighting corruption use their human and financial resources more efficiently, attract more investment, and grow faster.
In this regard, comprehensive reforms aimed at improving the business environment, guaranteeing the rights of business entities, developing corporate governance are being undertaken in Uzbekistan. Relevant government agencies have been entrusted with the task of improving the position of Uzbekistan in international economic and political-legal rankings and indices, further enhancing the position of the country in the international arena by establishing cooperation with foreign rating agencies. Several presidential decrees were adopted for the implementation of these reforms. Presidential decrees number 4210 “On measures to improve the place of the republic of Uzbekistan in international ratings and indices,” and number 6003 “New mechanism for improving the republic of Uzbekistan’s position in international ratings and indices” regulate this process.
Despite a noticeable increase of Uzbekistan’s performance in a number of international rankings, there is a need for more systematic work in this field and capacity building of state officials should be conducted. As a result, Uzbekistan remains at the bottom of some international rankings and indices.
Therefore, I am going to analyze the measuring methodology, sub-components of World Governance Indicators, namely its Control of Corruption indicator, to try and identify the main factors that contribute to the low performance of Uzbekistan in international rankings.
Personal thoughts about living in Sweden
Embarking on a social life in Sweden is an epic journey with a cultural shock. In my opinion, Swedish people are respectful, modern and innovative. Below, I will share my views on some aspects of living in Sweden.
Learn Swedish
It is widely known that Sweden is the first country with most non-native speakers of English. From their school time, Swedes learn English as a compulsory course. However, knowing English does not mean that one doesn’t have to learn Swedish language. In my point of view, there are following reasons to learn Swedish:
First, markets, shops, café and restaurants use Swedish language for the advertisements, product information, etc. If one does not have even elementary knowledge of Swedish language, he/she will face a challenging situation in shopping or in getting acquainted with information about the products.
Secondly, it can be expected that a group of Swedish people communicate in their language. The more you understand, the more you will be able to adapt to the situation.

(Swedish For Immigrants course)
Swedish government provide free Swedish language classes for anyone who moved to Sweden and got “personnummer.”
Importance of a “personnummer”
A “personnummer” is a special personal identity number issued by the government of Sweden. The question “Why a Swedish personnummer is needed?” may arise. Because it is what allows you to receive healthcare services, but it does not mean that one can’t get emergency treatment without personnummer. It means that one can open a bank account, get insurance, sign contracts, receive discounts at markets more easily.
Amazing nature

When talking about Sweden, it is hard not to mention beautiful landscapes of Sweden. The nature, northern wonderland, the Northern Lights, and the beaches attract people and increase love for nature of the Swedes from childhood. Such a calming environment in the nature allows to work with more concentration when researchers come from the urban areas. Do yourself a favor and look into visiting Sweden some day!
Swedish response to Covid-19

Various measurements to limit the spread of COVID-19 within the country were presented by the Swedish Government. The purpose of these measures is to mitigate the economic impact of COVID-19 and to safeguard people’s lives and health and to maintain the health care capacity.
Although no strict mandatory measures were taken to limit crowds in public transport, shopping malls, or in other public places, it is noteworthy to indicate that people themselves have been very cautious at following the social distancing recommendations.
Although no strict mandatory measures were taken to limit crowds in public transport, shopping malls, or in other public places, it is noteworthy to indicate that people themselves have been very cautious at following the social distancing recommendations.
Overall impressions from the fellowship and the project
From my first day at Lund University in Sweden, I enjoyed doing secondment and learned various methods of research. The brief conclusion is that the secondment at Lund University, Department of Sociology of Law gave me a unique opportunity to improve my research skills and expanded my academic horizon.